Making Your Loft Conversion Child Proof

You may be building a loft conversion for another member of the family and if you’re thinking about creating extra space, then a loft conversion is perfect, especially for children. However, there are all sorts of hazards and potential accidents waiting to happen, especially where the little people are concerned, so how can we make a loft conversion area safe for children?

Safe Stairs

If your loft conversion is set to be a child’s bedroom then it’s very important you keep safety considerations in mind at all times, especially as a loft conversion is upstairs. As access is always going to be this way, it makes sense that you have some safety gates installed at both the top and bottom of the stairs leading up to the conversion.

How Do You Childproof Their Bedrooms?

Always make sure your furniture is safely installed and that they’re unable to pull it down over themselves. Fixing units to the wall is a great idea rather than having free standing furniture, reducing the risk of tipping. Keep their favourite toys within easy reach, but keep things like books and heavier toys where they can’t, they can ask you if they want to play with them.

Loft Conversion Windows

If your child can reach the window, then there’s a good chance they can climb out of it, and as the loft conversion will be at a reasonable height, it could cause a serious accident, or worse. Fitting a window guard is one way around it so your child can never open it wide enough to climb out. You can also fit child friendly blinds with no cords or chains so your child can’t harm themselves.

Naturally, you’ll have electric sockets, lights and appliances in your child’s room, so use wire guards to keep electrical cables safe where possible, and make sure you use plug covers over the sockets. Never leave appliances plugged into a live socket unattended, curious hands can cause an accident.

JG Joiners & Builders –Loft Conversion Specialists

We hope we’ve given you enough to think about regarding child safety if you’re thinking of using your loft conversion as a child’s bedroom. If you haven’t decided yet on what type of loft conversion is right for you, then why not get in touch with us here at JG Joiners & Builders, and one of our team will be more than happy to talk you through your options.